Posted: 11 September 2024 by Kostas.
Homeland Release
🎉 Absolutely original, brand-new and over-featured Pheix «Homeland release» is out! It is a major release packed with exciting new features and principal breaking changes.

Raku Advent 2023, Day 18

Posted: 18 December 2023
☃️ The article «Dissecting the Go-Ethereum keystore files using Raku tools» is published at official Raku Advent 2023 blog. Heads up!

Nomad Release

Posted: 31 August 2023
It's here! A lot of improvements, fixes and updates were done far a way from my home, hence I feel this release as some kind of nomad's work  🇰🇬

Raku Advent 2022, Day 14

Posted: 14 December 2022
🎉 The article «Trove – yet another TAP harness» is published at official Raku Advent 2022 Calendar blog. Enjoy & Merry Christmas!

Decentralized authentication

Posted: 05 February 2022
💻 We discussed decentralized auth on Ethereum blockchain at FOSDEM22 conf, went through its major benefits and introduced sample application with the decentralized authentication based on Pheix.

Raku Advent Calendar 2021: day 12

Posted: 12 December 2021
The article A long journey to Ethereum signatures is published at official Raku Advent Calendar blog 🎅🎄🎅

The Raku Conference 2021

Posted: 8 August 2021
The talk Multi-network Ethereum dApp in Raku  at TRC2021. There we have tried to manage multi Ethrerum networks heterogeneous environment with Pheix as the transparent relay of data flows from one net to another. Check it out →

The Perl & Raku conference 2021

Posted: 10 June 2021
The lightning talk Unite the ethereum networks was given at TPRCiC2021. There was a quick tour to one more perspective on Pheix application area.

German Perl & Raku workshop 2021

Posted: 28 March 2021 by Kostas
The talk about Pheix β-release summary was given at German Perl & Raku workshop. There was a deep dive into beta version: tips, tricks, improvements, benchmarks and breaking changes. Check it out →

Pheix is β-released now!

Posted: 19 February 2021 by Kostas
🔥 Today Pheix CMS is officially beta released. The new milestone is passed and I'm happy to present the short β-release pitch with some technical and non-technical details! Enjoy →

FOSDEM 2021 announcement

Posted: 4 February 2021 by Kostas
We would like to announce «Programming Digital Audio Server (DAS) backend with Raku» talk at FOSDEM 2021 Perl development room. There will be a few interesting tricks and hacks related to digital signal processing, native calls from Raku applications and Pheix content management system integrations. See U there!

Pheix Release Candidate 1

Posted: 17 January 2021 by Kostas
Pheix CMS release candidate 1 is announced. I'm working for full roadmap and today I would like to share some technical details. The basic breaking changes are introducing administration layer and migrating from LZW::Revolnet compression module to Compress::Bzip2.

Raku Advent Calendar 2020: day 8

Posted: 8 December 2020 by Kostas
The article «Raku web templating engines: boost up the parsing performance» is published at official Raku Advent Calendar blog 🎉. It was originally inspired by the development of Pheix CMS. Some of the ideas outlined there are put into code of public Pheix β-version.

TPCiC 2020

Posted: 28 June 2020 by Kostas
The talk was successfully performed at The Perl Conference in The Cloud 2020 this Friday. It was the great experience! We have 50+ registered and over 60 online attendees at the peak during online streaming (Zoom+YouTube). Check out slides and video!

26th SPb blockchain community meetup

Posted: 5 April 2020 by Kostas
Practical part of Querying the Ethereum blockchain nodes with Raku was successfully presented at 26th Saint Petersburg blockchain community meetup. Updated slides and video are online!

German Perl & Raku Workshop 2020

Posted: 09 March 2020 by Kostas
The talk «Querying the Ethereum blockchain nodes with Raku» with a few references to Pheix CMS has been performed at German Perl and Raku Workshop 2020. It was great to meet German perl mongers and to be the part of the largest and the most prestigious EU workshop. Video is online, enjoy it!